Where to find us
You find the EUFORES Secretariat in Brussels – in the heart of Europe, close to the European Commission’s Berlaymont and to the European Parliament.

Contact us
Tel +32 (0)2 546 1948
Fax +32 (0)2 546 1934
Our offices are located in the Renewable Energy House.
The Renewable Energy House opened its offices in 2006. The house runs on 100% renewable energy supply for heating, cooling & electricity in a monument-protected building.
A broad spectrum of organizations working on renewable energy and environment are located there under one roof.

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Get involved in the exchange of experience among policy makers and key-actors in the field
Among our members are: Parliamentarians from the European, National and Regional Parliaments, renewable energy industry associations, companies and individuals who support the promotion of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.