Our members are divided in two categories:
Active Parliamentary Members
Members of European Parliament and members of EU27 national and regional parliaments can become Full Members of EUFORES and thereby join the parliamentary network for regular cross-party and transnational exchanges.
Membership for Members of Parliament is free of charge.
Active Supporting Members
Non-parliamentary members from the renewable energy and energy efficiency community – industry, scientific institutes, energy agencies and NGOs – all strongly committed to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
European Parliamentarians for a Sustainable Energy Future
EUFORES connects leading members of the European Parliament, EU national and regional parliaments working on sustainable energy issues.

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Get involved in the exchange of experience among policy makers and key-actors in the field
A strong interest in and support of renewable energy is one essential core attribute of all EUFORES members.
All applications are therefore subject to approval by the EUFORES Board of Presidents.