Supporting Members: The Membership for the non-parliamentary and private Sector
Long-term policy and market benefit
The work of the Parliamentarians in the EUFORES network – supported by the EUFORES Secretariat – aims to create and improve European and national policy related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Therefore industry associations, companies, agencies and NGOs benefit from these improved frameworks via growing markets for technologies and services in the field of Renewable Energy Sources or Energy Efficiency respectively.

Direct short-term benefits
Exchange of views and experience
Stay up to date on ongoing political developments through a seat in the Advisory Committee
Reduced-rate sponsorship opportunities
Exclusive Events
Participation in EUFORES’ annual high-level Inter-Parliamentary Meeting, dinner debates, and parliamentary workshops.
Participation in the General Assembly
Supporting Members participate in the General Assembly without voting rights
Key EU policies updates
Updates on the development of relevant European legislation
Increase your visibility with a prominent position of your logo on our website
These Industry associations and companies support us and benefit already from our network
We aim to create and improve European and national policy related to renewable energy.

Fees per year
Amounts excluding VAT (21% VAT will be added where applicable).
The annual fee for membership in EUFORES is tax deductible.
Amounts are adapted every few years
EU industry & advocacy associations
Fee calculation based on your annual membership fee turnover (your annual fee = 6,000 EUR + 3,0% of your membership fee turnover of the previous year. A maximum of 24,000 EUR applies)
Non-profit organizations
(NGOs, scientific institutes, national associations and others): €4,000
How to join EUFORES
All applications are subject to approval by the EUFORES board of presidents.
Focus on Renewable Energy industry
A strong focus on and support of renewable energy is one essential core element of all EUFORES members.
Fill in the form
Please download the application form and send it back by e-mail or post.
Membership incoming statement
EU industry associations are kindly asked to provide a statement proving their membership income in order to determine the adequate fee category.