Strasbourg MEP Breakfast with Susanne Nies, Project Lead Helmholtz Center Berlin, 18.12.2024

EUFORES has the honour to welcome Susanne Nies, Project Lead Helmholtz Center Berlin, for an exchange on future prospects of Ukraine, its energy systems and the grid integration with the EU.

18 December 2024, 08:00-09:00, European Parliament, Strasbourg

“Energy Security for the next two winters in Ukraine: state of play and needed actions”

The EUFORES MEP Group will exchange on the latest state of Ukraine’s energy system, ways to support its rebuilding and future integration into European grids.

Specific discussion points will be:

– What is sustainable energy security? 

– How to link short term needs of security of supply and the Net Zero agenda?

– How is the regional electricity collaboration among Ukraine and its neighbors?

– What is the role of ENTSO-E?

– What does the Polish presidency foresee for energy security and energy collaboration with Ukraine? And what are the plans of the incoming European Commission?

Susanne Nies, Project Lead Helmholtz Center Berlin


EUFORES is hosting regular MEP-Strasbourg-Breakfasts with all EU Commissioners in relation to the energy transitions, the EU Green Deal etc. or experts in the field.