Parliament of Ireland, Dublin, Wednesday 22 May 2024, 10.00 – 14.30 (Dublin time)
The European Green Deal and the National Energy and Climate Plan in Ireland

EUFORES had the honour to organize a national parliamentary workshop on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, in cooperation with the Parliament of Ireland and Member of Parliament Brian Leddin.
A high level debate of Irish Members of Parliament with top speakers and representatives from European Parliament, National Government, the European Commission, industry, science and NGO representatives discussed the prospects of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Ireland with a special focus on the EU Green Deal

The Agenda can be downloaded here.
EUFORES aims at gathering the 100 most active parliamentarians in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The event will be the perfect opportunity to exchange knowledge and to engage in discussions with like-minded colleagues from other Member States and the European Parliament, officials of national governments, the European Commission and selected representatives from industry and the scientific sector. The one-and-a-half-day conference will be accompanied by a Gala Dinner on Friday and a side visit programme on Saturday.