Strasbourg MEP Breakfast with Dan Jørgensen, European Commissioner 12.3.2025

EUFORES has the honour to welcome Dan Jørgensen, European Commissioner for Energy and Housing, for an exchange of his plans on the energy transition and the EU Green Deal.

12 March 2025, European Parliament, Strasbourg

“Plans on the Energy Transition, the EU Green Deal and the Housing Sector in the EU.”

The EUFORES MEP Group will exchange on the latest situation of the EU Green Deal, its implementation and the special situation of the EU Housing Sector.

Dan Jørgensen, European Commissioner for Energy and Housing


EUFORES is hosting regular MEP-Strasbourg-Breakfasts with all EU Commissioners in relation to the energy transitions, the EU Green Deal etc.

Jan Geiss

Jan Geiss

Secretary General, EUFORES
EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
Brussels Metropolitan Area