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Inspiring high-level events of EUFORES coming soon!

Category: news


In 2012, EUFORES will continue organising interesting high-level events on current issues.

The first one will be a parliamentary dinner debate "Success or fiasco? State of implementation of national energy efficiency policies in the EU". As the title already suggests, implementation of national energy efficiency action plans will be the main focal point of this event. Moreover, the event will also bring the Proposal for energy efficiency directive under discussion. The dinner debate will be held on 24 April 2012 in the European Parliament.


EUFORES has already started preparation of its biggest annual conference Inter-Parliamentary Meeting. The IPM12 will be organised in the autumn 2012 in one of the national parliaments of the EU. As the last IPMs were a great success, EUFORES again aspires to bring important policy-makers and distinguished experts together in order to discuss renewable energy and energy efficiency policies in Europe.


More information will follow.