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Reception Under The Solar Wings

Category: news


On 24 May 2011, EUFORES together with EREC and Solar Impulse organised a walking dinner under the solar wings of the first solar-powered plane of Solar Impulse.

Several Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the European Commission, participants of the EREC policy conference, EUFORES members and Solar Impulse partners gathered at the Brussels Airport to celebrate a historical moment - the first international flight of Solar Impulse. One could describe the plane as an incredible achievement, a visionary miracle, astonishing and breath-taking technology progress. However, it still does not fully express the vision of Solar Impulse´s co-founders Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg.


"All that is impossible remains to be achieved," Bertrand Piccard started his speech with a quote by Jules Verne. Nothing would fit better the vision of Solar Impulse. The idea behind is to prove that it is possible to develop new technologies in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This positive message overwhelmed all those present at the walking dinner at the Brussels airport. Claude Turmes, MEP and EUFORES President, congratulted Solar Impulse on true encouragement for renewable energies and energy savings. 


The Solar Impulse plane, which already flew day and night long in July 2010, has now made its first international flight. The next step is to build a second plane which would fly around the world with stopovers. All over the world, Solar Impulse will demonstrate technology capacities and deliver this positive and realistic message: it is possible to reduce energy dependence, it is possible to develop new technologies, it is possible to achieve things we see as impossible. This message is especially important for Brussels policy-makers who, besides other important legislative proposals, will deliver Energy Roadmap 2050 in the second half of 2011. Brussels as the destination of the Solar Impulse´s first international flight was therefore a very symbolic place to go. To read more about Solar Impulse please click here.