20 & 21 March 2025, in the premises of the European Parliament, Brussels and the House of Representatives of Belgium, Brussels
“A new plan for Europe’s prosperity and competitiveness: The Clean Industrial Deal”

EUFORES will hold its next annual cross-party Inter-parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency as a tandem-conference both in the premises of the:
– European Parliament, Brussels on 20 March 2025
– House of Representatives of Belgium, Brussels on 21 March 2025

Members of European Parliament, Members of Parliament from the EU27 Member States and neighbouring countries and all political groups are welcome to attend.
Top speakers and representatives from the EU27 national parliaments, the European Parliament, the International Energy Agency, the European Commission, industry, science and NGOs will gather to discuss the prospects of renewable energy and energy efficiency for economic growth, social integration and prosperity for the European Union – all in the light of the climate emergency, the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine.
A special focus will lie on implementation of the EU Green Deal and the discussions on the new EU Clean Industrial Deal.
IPM25 is the kick-off IPM event after the European Parliament elections in June 2024 and brings together legislators from all over EU27.

Teresa Ribera | Clean, Just & Competitive Transition, European Commission

Nicolás González Casares | MEP Spain, President of EUFORES

NIels Flemming Hansen | MEP Denmark, Vice-President of EUFORES

Dario Tamburrano | MEP Italy, Vice-President of EUFORES

Ditte Juul Jorgensen | Director General, European Commission

Jutta Paulus | MEP Germany

Bertrand Piccard | Solar Impulse Foundation

Mechthild Wörsdörfer | Deputy Director General, European Commission

Wouter Vermeersch | Vice-President of the House of Representatives of Belgium

Yolanda Garcia Mezquita | Relations with the EU Member States, European Commission

Jeroen Soete | Chair of the Committee on Energy, Environment and Climate, House of Representatives of Belgium

Bruno Tobback | MEP Belgium

Annalisa Corrado | MEP Italy

Ciaran Cuffe | Board Member BPIE, Former MEP

Giles Dickson | CEO WindEurope
Please download the IPM25 Agenda here.
Technical information
– More detailed onsite registration information will be published here soon.
– Day 1 will be held in English and Day 2 will be held in French, Flemish and English (except regional workshops)
– Participation is free of charge.
Registration Deadline Extended for Parliamentary Delegations:
Monday 17 March 2025

- – Registration is strictly upon invitation.
- – Members of European Parliament and EU27 national parliaments are welcome. Due to the limitations of the conference rooms, a limit of 3 members of parliament per EU Member State might be applied. Registration is on a first come first served basis.
- – Representatives of invited stakeholders are restricted to one representative per organisation. Registration is on a first come first served basis.
IPM25 Sponsors

- Would you like to support the event as a sponsor? You are most welcome to get in touch with EUFORES to discuss the options. Please find the Sponsorship Packages here:
EUFORES aims at gathering the 100 most active parliamentarians in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The event will be the perfect opportunity to exchange knowledge and to engage in discussions with like-minded colleagues from other Member States and the European Parliament, officials of national governments, the European Commission and selected representatives from industry and the scientific sector.

Impressions from the last IPM23 in the Swedish Parliament October 2023.